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Writer's pictureCheryl

A day late….

Well, my friends, I’m a day late posting a blog for the 2nd week of the Ultimate blog challenge. And this is not the planned post either. Since aphasia has been in the news(after Bruce Willis announcement), thoughts have been swirling around in my mind. If you know anything about the challenges of aphasia, this isn’t a good thing. Ordinary day thoughts are enough to make us have trouble processing. The energy required just to say the words we want can cause neurofatigue, just as it does for me. Imagine having a really important story you really want to tell someone. In your mind you can see it clearly. It’s organized and detailed. But when you go to write or talk about it, you are able to say only a few things and sometimes the whole eloquently worded sentences come out as just one word or a short phrase. I would love to show you what I’ve been trying to write all this week, but I cannot because of my vanity. Who wants to put it all out there. Exposed to the world.

My post that was supposed to be done yesterday was about advocacy. What I’ve written so far is not ready for prime time, but hopefully will be soon. I think it is an important blog for me to actually post. It’s a big part of my Aphasia Related World. (if this doesn’t make sense to you, read latest blog,

What I’m ready to tell you about today is about my progress so far in the UBC and some highlights of what I’ve been doing lately. The concrete is always easier for me to write about.

As you recall, my goal for the UBC challenge is to post a blog once a week and read and comment to atleast two of my fellow bloggers in the challenge Every day. I have been successful in reading posts and commenting. Most days reading 3-4 And commenting on 2. I’ve been enjoying connecting with people I’ve followed in previous challenges, and learning a lot from new friends. Everyone here has interesting things to write about.

One of the benefits of participating in the challenge is getting more traffic to your site. To me, the best benefit is having this amazing set of bloggers to learn from.

Besides doing the challenge this month, I have been busy with my aphasia conversation groups, the BU Good start for Aphasia project and am participating in a research study of inner speech. I have been in VA for over a month and will travel back to RI soon. I like to say Virginia is my happy place and RI is my home. Time to go home.

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