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  • Writer's pictureCheryl

Catchy lyrics and perhaps……. A lesson?

“You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes you just might find

You get what you need”

This song by The Rolling Stones has popped into my head a lot in the last few weeks. I can’t seem to get it out of my head. But when I sat with it the other day, I think know why. I’ve been at a crossroads of sorts lately. I ended my formal speech therapy in August. I found out that because of Covid exceptions being lifted in Massachusetts, I could not participate in the Telehealth BU aphasia groups as I had planned. My husband and I took an apartment in Richmond to be able to see my daughter and granddaughter more often. We have been traveling back and forth every month since then. From August until October I didn’t post to this blog or do any of the lessons from the hay house writers community (Writing toward my book). But what I did do was tweet every day about self care in September and about optimism in October and. create a visual for each post using Canva.

First and foremost in my planning is how to keep progressing with my speech. How can I ensure that I am doing as much as I can to improve my communication - speech, reading and writing. And secondly how can I live my best life even with aphasia and AOS.

I thought about the recent events when contemplating why this song was in my head lately. You can’t always get what you want….but sometimes you get what you need.

Did I want to have the stroke? No, of course not. Did I get something out of having a stroke? I think so. I think I needed the lessons it has taught me. One of which is that I need to put myself first if I want to accomplish more of what I want.

Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay

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