In this blog site I often share what it’s like to have both aphasia and apraxia. You don’t have to have both after a stroke. I am one of the “lucky”
I found this 10 minute YouTube video which explains the difference quite well.
It has been my apraxia that has bothered me the most. It is that inability to get my mouth to correctly pronounce the words that frustrates me and makes me self conscious. But as the video points out there is a lot of ways to help someone with apraxia. The most important thing for me at the beginning was to show how people formed the words and that meant looking closely at the speaker and using an app, Apraxia by Tactus therapy, over and over and over again, I can’t tell you how many hours I spent using that app.
I have not finished this picture. This is how aphasia and apraxia feels to me. I have all of these very coherent thoughts. And what comes out is very little and sometimes the words come out with the wrong letters.
Bless you! And thank you for sharing your experience!! I love that you are doing a blogging challenge. standing o for that.