I truly could write a blog every day. I have so much to say about my experiences after the stroke, especially what it is like for me to have aphasia and apraxia. But with the aphasia, even though I have so many things on my mind, it’s so hard to express it either verbally or in writing. This past year, I have gotten so much better at writing. In fact I write something every day. I joined the hay house writers community last January and I can now consider myself a writer again. I can’t write a lot at every sitting but I’m proud of myself for what I’ve been able to accomplish. The writers community is set up in stages, the first one is writer, the second one is aspiring author. In 2022, I will strive to be an author.
My memoir starts with my experiences in the hospital and continues to tell the story of how I’ve been able to accept what has happened and even been able to thrive. I like the word thrive, because to me it means that I am growing as a person. Not merely just being alive, but striving to live life to its fullest. It means to be the best I can be and live up to my full potential. I am only able to thrive, in my opinion, because I was able to assemble a recovery ATeam, rebuild my self esteem, and realize that although life has changed I can still help others and make positive contributions.
Of course, I am not the only one who has been able to do this after having a traumatic experience like a stroke. Far from it. There are many other stroke thrivers. I have ”met“ many of these remarkable people (on the internet on Twitter and FB, on zooms with organizations who help stroke survivors and specifically those with aphasia). I can only share my own unique story and hope that it helps others know that there is hope after stroke with aphasia and apraxia. That you can LIVE WELL even with Aphasia and Apraxia.
This year I hope to share my story with you as I put it down in the form of a memoir. My plan is to offer it free as an ebook. My ambitous self wants to make it an audio book also. We’ll see how that goes.
My other plan for this blog is to try to add an audio version, either here on this website or on YouTube if I can figure it out. I know, pretty ambitious. But you have to have lofty goals in life to make it more fun. My former director, Cap, wanted our team to “live on the edge of our comfort zone. I haven’t done that easily in the past, but hope to. It is only there, on the edge or even past that, that you make changes. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
And finally I would like to make this blog more interactive. Each time, I’ll ask you a question in hopes that we can have a conversation about the topic. Whether you are a survivor of stroke or TBI, experience challenges of illness, etc, are a care taker or medical professional, you have a lot to contribute to the conversation and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Question: Most people experience some hardship in life. I believe your story can help others especially if you’ve learned a valuable lesson. HAVE YOU SHARED YOUR STORY?
To hear this read to you….
until next time…..