best laid plans. I have challenged myself to write and post a blog every day this month as I participate in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. I had the goal to post whatever I write regardless of how polished (or not) it may be. I knew these posts might be short and be more like a journal, but I was eager to see how it went. One of the things I was hoping would happen is that my readers would know a bit more about how my communication disorders manifest and how I’m able to live well even though I have these challenges.
Then, aphasia “reared it’s ugly head”. Everything I wrote yesterday was unconnected and incomprehensible. Even in draft form, it was pretty unacceptable. I couldn’t post what I wrote but I can give myself grace.
When you have these challenges, I feel it is so important to do this. To me, grace is just accepting anything that happens without giving any judgment. It’s accepting that we are all flawed human beings and worthy of love and acceptance. Unique individuals with many strengths and even weaknesses that we have to accept and even, dare I say, welcome……
I have come to accept and welcome my speech and language challenges. It took me a long time to do this. I won't tell you that it was easy, but with a lot of grace, I have accepted.
Well, here I am welcoming my writing challenges. I have to do this everyday with my speech challenges. With writing I can do this more easily. I don’t really have to write. I can make do without doing any writing if I want. I really don’t have to write this blog; I don’t have to write email; I don’t have to write letters. But I do these things to communicate with others and especially to progress in my recovery. I still feel that I’m recovering even after 3 years.
I don’t know if I’m ever going to go back to work. But if I ever want to have a chance to, I know that my writing abilities need to be stronger. So I’ll keep working on it. I thank you for being on this journey with me.
until next time….