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Writer's pictureCheryl

Memoir Monday 2 - (UBC9)

Unbeknownst to me at the time, I started the journey to write a book on May 12, 2019 when I had a stroke that changed my life. I don’t have anything close to resembling a book or even a draft, but I have taken valuable steps toward it.

(note: On Memoir Mondays during January I am sharing what my journey has been like so far. if you missed the first Memoir Monday last week here is a link: )


2019 - 2020 Focus on ME! and my Recovery - physical, communication and emotional health

2020 - 2021 moving on from self-centerness - attending BU aphasia groups, started writing my story through blog (7/22/20) and with SLP (hospital project - Chapter 1)

2021 - 2022 starting to live well with aphasia

2022 - 2023 ?? still to come.....

At the end of 2020, I attended a free Hay House Writer's Workshop. It was there that I formally started to work on my book - or what will hopefully be my memoir. The information gained from this workshop is invaluable and I strongly urge any writer (or person who wants to write) to attend. After this workshop, I really wanted to focus more on writing, not just to write a book but to get into the habit of writing and especially improving my writing.

I decided to invest in myself and my writing and enrolled in the Hay House Writers' Community, a paid membership. I had the membership for 1 year. I completed the first two pathways and then decided to go on my own.

From the Hay House website:

Inside the membership, there are four separate pathways to guide you through your writing journey.

Beginning Writer You’re taking a big step that many people never have the courage to take. It is so much easier to take that step with others at the same stage. Support each other as you learn from the experts and finally get writing.

Aspiring Author You’re honing your idea and outline, and diving into the great project of writing a proposal or full-length book. This step can be so overwhelming. Let us help you make sense of the ideas and organize them.

You’re very close to having a completed draft in hand! Congratulations! This is an accomplishment you can be proud of for the rest of your life. Now’s the time to polish and publish your book.

Promoting Author This pathway will give you actionable, step-by-step instruction to start reaching your readers. No platform was built in a day! Welcome to a high-achieving community of platform-building authors.

During the first Pathway - Beginning Writer - I became more comfortable writing every day (always pacing - setting the timer for 15 to 20 minutes at a time to reduce neurofatigue.

Today I will share what I wrote from 3 prompts that were given. The activity was to set a timer and brainstorm our responses to the prompts. The writing was done by hand and if I'm able to read my handwriting, this is what I wrote:

"I'm writing a book about....

My stroke

my experience after stroke

what caused my stroke after surgery

the patience needed to achieve my goals after having aphasia and apraxia

what it's like having aphasia & apraxia

How challenging aphasia is - to communicate needs

mental health needs after stroke

finding the right counselor who will understand what it's like after stroke but especially communicating my feelings of depression & anxiety after stroke and aphasia

How to live well (improve self esteem) after a stroke with aphasia and apraxia

I'm writing a book about my experiences after a stroke that caused aphasia & apraxia

I did not speak for 2 weeks - could not say my name

I am still me - Cheryl - with all my thoughts, desires, and goals - maybe new goals

helping people with their goals of education & employment was my focus for so many years. Now I would like to help those that have aphasia and apraxia get on the road to recovery & goals of education and employment.

I am writing a book about my experiences after a stroke to tell them to use their strengths to overcome any challenges.

I am writing a book about my stroke to inform medical professionals, OT, SLP... what a person who has aphasia & apraxia goes through while recovering - the emotional aspects, the embarrassment, the personal strengths she has to have.

"I want to be an author because __________

but deep down I'm also hoping for ______________

I once thought about writing a book called Swimming Upstream. A lot of life seemed to be trying.

I don't know why I wanted to write a book and I never really thought about being an author but now I really want to write a book because I have a unique experience that I want people to know about. Many people go into surgery knowing that they want to get better or have to do it for their health, but few if any experience a stroke because of the surgery. I did! I want people to know the risks and that it can happen.

I want to be an author because I have a story to tell but deep down I am also hoping to let the world know that I am OK

And I also hoping that people can see that I'm the same person that I used to be. that I still have the same quirks, the same feelings - that I am still able to help people reach their goals -with my story that they can find hope, to persevere.

"The first thing I want my reader to know is.......

- there is hope after stroke

- that they can be understood even with aphasia and apraxia

- that there are resources out there to help them

- I've been there and you can do it

- that the person that had the stroke is still in there

- they are not alone

- that they can get back their self esteem; improve the way they feel about themselves and their future

- every stroke is different but there are many resources to help

- that SLPs help in ways that are outside of speech. they help you articulate how you feel and this helps with mental health challenges that you may face.

______________________________________________________________________________ As you can see from the above is that I started to think seriously about why I wanted to write a book and how I believe it could help people. This was just the beginning. Next week, I'll share more about my journey with this.

Until then......

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2 則留言

Lily Leung
Lily Leung

I enjoy your memoir posts, Cheryl. Hay House Writers' Workshop seemed very good. You have excellent outlines to write from. I like writing from prompts. I've found Laurie Wagner's Wild Writing quite helpful. Sometimes she has free mini workshops. I think she has one starting soon. If interested just google her name or Wild Writing.



WOW you have a great start with your lists! I'm sure you book with help many, both the patient and their families.

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