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Writer's pictureCheryl

Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! I lIke Mothers day and I especially lI’ve being a mother (and now grandmother to my beautiful granddaughter Kiera). I am especially grateful to be able to spend the day with my daughter who is celebrating her first Mother’s Day.

As you probably know from previous blogs, my stroke occurred on Mothers day two years ago ( I will be celebrating the actual anniversary this Wednesday). I am so very thankful that I can spend this Mother’s Day with my daughter and her family and be able to share it with the rest of the family by zoom. Having zoom has been a Godsend to me not only connect me with family but for connecting with others for my recovery.

Many times it’s isolating for stroke survivor. Some struggle with physical challenges which makes it difficult to go out. Weakness of one side of the body is common. Pain is one of the several unexpected consequences of stroke. Post-stroke pain is not typically early in the recovery , and it may take weeks or months for post-stroke pain to develop. About 10 % of stroke survivors experience Central Pain Syndrome (CPS). I know that weakness in my face muscles which make it difficult for me to feel if I have food on my face make me hesitate to eat at restaurants or with people I don’t know well. And the pain of neuropathy and CPS make me want to stay home and prevents me from writing, typing or do physical tasks for very long.

after stroke, some people like me have communication challenges which impedes them in communicating how they want to and makes them self conscious around people they don’t know well. Sometimes this stops me from wanting to connect with people even if I love spebeing time with them.

But I know that it’s important for my recovery to be a little uncomfortable in order to get where I want to. Change doesn’t happen in your comfort zone. So I’ll continue to be open to opportunities to connect with others and continue telling my story.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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