Right after the stroke, I couldn't say a word or even utter any sound but I was keenly aware of everything that was happening. My family and I played lots of charades to get what I needed. But I was still so frustrated. Of course I needed to do something to get a reaction. Unfortunately using my middle finger or giving the "Italian chin flick" seemed hilarious to me so I kept doing it. And doing it. Until I couldn't stop. It became even more funny in my mind. Even though I was sure that my daughter was not amused.
I thought it was so funny especially since I would never have done these things before the stroke.
A stroke changes you in ways that you can't imagine. I would burst out laughing at nothing and at myself. When I finally got a word out, I would laugh. Things that were not even close to funny became funny to me.
I was so funny that I cracked myself up.
Being able to laugh was important to my progress and recovery. Seriously I have learned to laugh at myself and situations that used to make me upset. It's so much better to laugh than to cry especially over things you can't control.
I can't control when I mispronounce a word. I can't control when I say yes instead of no.
I can't control the past or control the future.
What I can control is what I do when I’m frustrated. The strategies I use. I can control how I act and treat others. Who I connect with.
Well, this week for the Thursday Education and Resource group, I was the volunteer host and chose the topic - Things that we find funny. Funny stories, funny poems, funny songs or funny jokes, etc. As I still like to be over prepared, I was ready to show a short clip of Lucy Ball and made a powerpoint of corny jokes and knock knock jokes that everyone could read with me. To give you a taste, I am including an audio of my reading these jokes for you.
I hope enjoy these jokes. We all need some levity at times.
until next time.......
