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Writer's pictureCheryl

Thankful Thursday 4 - (UBC26)

This month is almost over and the Ultimate Blog Challenge for January will end in 5 days. As this is the last Thankful Thursday of the challenge, I would like to thank my fellow bloggers participating in this challenge. I know that much work goes into your pieces. I’m have learned so much by reading what my fellow participants are blogging about.

If you are looking for some interesting and informative blogs, check some of these out…. I’ll try to put them in categories about what I've learned from them so far. Some are listed more than once, because like I did, they had more than one focus this month.

Home and Hearth

The Martha Review - Martha has shared meal planning tips, photography tips, and tips for organizing the home and saving money.

Cynthia Alexander inspired me get more organized this month.

Jean Roman, shares delicious recipes

Kimberly Winters, Did You Bring the Hummus? shares her passion for vegan cooking and a healthy lifestyle.

to improve blog or small business

Paul Taubman, has provided great strategies for making our blogs better and attract more readers.

Amanda Meyer has helped me improve my blog and advertise it better.


Doug Jarvie's Where do you want to go today? has taken me to Iceland this month and showed me how beautiful it is


Alice Gerard has inspired me to be more creative

LIFE… its ups and downs, staying healthy and being more positive

Lily Leuong takes me into her life and regales me with interesting stories

Debra Zamarron Berry, Gritty Sisters, blog has challenged me to think more deeply.

Pamela Schmidlin has shared her expertise with dogs and training and tips as a career coach and photographer this month.

Florence Callendar’s blog is here to help parents of kids with dyslexia. Her sage advice is appropriate for all of us who are striving to live our best life.

One thing that I am tracking this year (23 things I hope to do 23 times in the year 23) is hugs. One of the posts Angie Holifield Vallejo did that affected me was "how to get hugged by a total stranger"

Kebba Buckley's Healthy Happy Loving Life blog shares strategies to help us live our best life with a positive attitude.

Martha and Lia share their recipes and tips for living a full life

Kandas Rodarte has been providing unique ways to say Thank You this month. does a weekly blog hop, highlighting other blogs and took us into her home and heart as she cared her father.

The Magic of Reading

Join Vidja Tiru as she shares her love for reading this month.

There are other bloggers in this challenge that I haven't read enough to review. I hope to read more in the next round of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

until next time.....

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1 комментарий

Vidya Tiru
Vidya Tiru
28 янв. 2023 г.

Thanks so much for including me with this list of wonderful bloggers!! The UBC is such a great blogging community to be a part of.. I look forward to continuing participating in the UBC.

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