About two years ago, a read a blog about volunteer opportunities online. Since it was just after we emerged from our Covid chaos and I was ready to finally volunteer, I connected with one of the suggestions, Chemo Angels.
The Chemo Angels program offers support to those who find themselves in one of the most challenging situation of their lives – battling a cancer diagnosis and undergoing IV chemotherapy or intensive immunotherapy treatment.
The volunteers support their “buddy” throughout their journey with cards, uplifting messages, supportive words and lots of positive energy. The encouragement the Angels provide helps give patients the comfort and confidence of knowing they are not alone in their fight.
I was immediately drawn to the letter writing position. I committed to sending a letter or card every week. I wrote faithfully to my first patient friend for a year and when she was discharged from the program as she finished chemo and in remission. I absolutely loved writing and had such a positive experience, I registered for a new patient friend and was paired about a year ago. I feel a special connection to my current friend.
And because I had such wonderful experiences with the letter writing, I expanded my relationship with Chemo Angels by volunteering for their prayer group and special assignment team. Prayer group is self explanatory, we are told about people who request prayers. For the special assignments, we are sent emails requesting cards or letters to people, either chemo patients or seniors, who at time are going through a tough time. We don’t have to send cards to everyone. We also get a list of people having birthdays during the following month. Adminstration has begun to also ask us to send holiday cards.
One of my goals has been to access my creative side (I don’t really have one. Lol), so this was a position I was excited about. I bought blank cards and envelopes and have designed and created cards. Here are a few of them…

I love being an Angel! If you are looking for a rewarding volunteer position, I would highly recommend it. They are always looking for volunteers.
Until next time…
Cheryl, this is great. Your cards are so creative and happy. What a wonderful thing to send to someone who is going through chemo. I love it!
Cheryl, how wonderful! I wish I had known about this program when I was going through chemo, and after. Your cards are wonderful too. Bless you!
What a great program to volunteer with, I've never heard of Chemo Angels but will check into it. I love your cards, for not being creative as you said, I think they are very creative!